52培训网 > 新闻资讯 > 语言类 >  错误的英语怎么写


发布时间:2019-01-22 17:09:49  来源:52培训网  浏览:    【】【】【

errormistake都有“错误”的意思。error,错误,谬误,指因违反既定标准或由于粗心,疏  忽而导致行动上的错误或偏差,可引申为行为、智力或道义上的错误,: They make a bad error in logic.他们在逻辑上犯了大错。/ Carelessness is often productive of error.粗心大意常常导致错误。

mistake,错误,过失。普遍用语,指因为缺乏正确的理解、认识、判断或由于粗心疏忽而造成的人的行为或看法上的错误。可与error经常换用,而在日常生活中更多用 mistake,如Students often make mistakes in using English idioms.学生在使用英文习语时经常犯错误。t is too late to find ant his mistake.发现他的错误太迟了。

slip back滑回,退回,: Your classes have been slipping back recently, so you must make more effort.近来你的功课在倒退,你必须再努力一点。/ As the door closes the catch slipsback into place.门关上时弹簧销就扣上了。


We also make the fundamental error of announcing our resolutions to everybody so that we  look even more foolish when we slip back into our bad old ways  

【译文】我们还犯有一个根本性的错误即把我们的决心向大家宣布这样一旦退回那些坏的老习惯上  ,我们在别人的眼里会显得更加难堪。  

