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4、学习周期短,效果更明显。 学习对象:有大学英语较好基础,想提高英语会话能力,突破听说,完整,正确,流利,地道地表达自己观点。 学习目标:采用西式互动教学法,模拟场景,较流利和正确地表达自己观点,展开进一步深入对话的同时,主导对话过程,成为英语口语交际场的佼佼者。 续读课程:《new interchange 第四级》 课程备注:根据自己程度和需求选择不同的班级和时间 


How about a drink? 去喝一杯怎么样?

That's a great idea.

I need a drink. 我想去喝一杯.

Would you like to have a drink after work?下班以后去喝一杯怎么样?

I'm afraid I'm busy tonight.

Do you have any beer?有啤酒吗?

Sure. What kind do you want?

Two bottles of beer, please.请来两瓶啤酒.

Two beers, please.

One whiskey with water, please.

请来杯掺水的威士忌. .

What kind of snacks should we have?小吃(要什么下酒菜呢?)

I'll leave it up to you. 你看着办吧。

Let's forget about work and have some fun.让我们忘了工作痛快一会吧.

Let's get our minds off of work and have a good time.

Let's take our minds off of work.


What are you drinking?你喝什么呢?

I like to go barhopping.



The first sip is the best! 啜饮


The first gulp is the best! 吞饮

The first taste is the greatest!

Nothing beats this! 这个好。

Would you like a refill?   再加满


Would you like more?

How about a refill?

Would you like one more?

Would you like another cup?

Another beer, please.再来一瓶啤酒.

One more beer, please.

This whiskey is strong. 这种威士忌挺冲.

How do you like sake? 日本酒怎么样?

It's strong. 酒劲儿大.

I'm drunk. 我喝醉了.

Let me drive you home.

I feel a little tipsy. *tipsy微醉的


I'm slightly drunk.

I'm loaded. 喝醉了、大醉

I'm wasted.

Drink moderately. 喝酒要适可而止.

Don't overdo it.

Please don't drink too much.

I get drunk easily. 我的酒量小 .“酒后驾车”是drunk driving。

I get drunk quickly.

I'm a heavy drinker. 我的酒量大。

I drank too much.我喝得太多了.

I had too much to drink.

I should have drunk less.


I shouldn't have drunk this much.

I have a hangover. 头天的酒还没醒. *hangover“宿醉”


Let's go to karaoke. 我们去唱卡拉ok吧!-Sorry, I'm tone-deaf.

What is karaoke?什么是卡拉ok?

Singing along with recorded music.

就是和着录音带的音乐一起唱歌 .

Are you good at singing? 擅长


I'd like to request a song. 我想点首歌.

You sing first.你先唱.

Go ahead. 你先 /After you.

Let's enjoy ourselves.大家高兴的玩吧.

How about a song, John? 约翰,你来唱一首吧!

What are you going to sing?你打算唱什么歌.

Let's sing a duet. 来个二重唱吧.

Now it's my turn.现在快轮到我了.

It's finally my turn. 终于轮到我了。

I don't have the nerve to sing in front of people. “敢做…,有做…胆量”。


I **'t keep up with the new songs.


I can't keep track of the new music.

I can't learn the new songs fast enough.

I'm tone-deaf. 我五音不全.

I have no ear for music.

My singing is out of tune.我唱歌总跑调

What's your karaoke specialty? 霓裳卡拉ok有什么拿手的歌吗?

What's your best song?

Which songs do you sing the best?

I've never heard of that song.我从来没听说过那首歌.

Do you know that song?

No, I've never heard of that song.

You're a good singer!你唱得真好!

You sing very well!

Well done! Good job! 太棒了!    

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